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Virtual Interpreting Services

Marble Surface

Virtual+ is our built-in virtual meeting feature, used to connect clients and interpreters from different locations in one place!

Benefits of Virtual+

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  • Screen sharing 

  • Chat (including a speech to text option) 

  • Join all of your meetings with one link 

  • Resize video boxes and customize layouts 

  • Lock a meeting (no new participants can join once locked) 

  • Ability to switch cameras 

  • Mute video and/or audio for each stream independently 

  • Network strength meter for each participant 


What’s the difference between Virtual Interpreting

and Video Remote Interpreting? 

Video Remote Interpreting (VRI) is a 1:1 connection, whereas Virtual Interpreting allows for multiple connections. With VRI, there are typically two parties in the same location that need an interpreter to communicate. With Virtual Interpreting, the client, consumer, and interpreter can all be at different locations. You may also have team interpreters or multiple languages in the same meeting. 


Do I have to use Virtual+? 

Virtual+ was developed with the unique demands of sign language interpreting in mind. If you prefer to use other videoconferencing platforms, we can accommodate them as long as you provide the license and meeting link. We also offer Virtual Interpreting through Zoom accounts licensed by the American School for the Deaf. 

Ready to dive in and learn about everything Virtual+ has to offer?

Check out Virtual+ Guide!

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